sâmbătă, 19 noiembrie 2011

Being in love is better than being loved.

The topic deals with a strong passion that usually starts in the adolescence and brings together two people with common interests that enjoy spending time together. However, this is not always the case; love can be not mutual too.
When one is in love one feels everything that happens differently from ignoring more important things to giving a lot of importance to something nobody would notice otherwise. Even if one suffers, one has a lot of hopes and life suddenly seems a lot more beautiful and worth living.
The pain disappears when the loved one seems at least to give a little sign of care.
While otherwise, in the posture of the one that is being loved, one might feel uncomfortable if he does not have the same feelings for that person. He may want to run away, trying not to hurt him or he could become aggressive to make him go away.
Certainly, one would prefer to be loved and to love at the same time. But I believe that because the human nature is more egoistic people would choose between this two, to be loved as a way by which they would become more confident.
To conclude with, one cannot choose who to love and that makes it very hard when it is not mutual. But with all the pain one might endure, the feeling is not regrettable because of its profoundness and the vivid way one lives being in love.

Late at night...

... dont`t be afraid of the dark.

Daca e ceva ce vreau de la viata... este sa fiu ok. Mor dupa average-ul la care nu voi putea ajunge.

Sunt twisted and curvy... la propriu de 2 ori si la figurat de 4 ori.

Nu ma credeti ? Ei bine, am scolioza. (e impropriu spus am avut...) Deci sunt twisted. Curvy sunt de la mama natura. O figura de mamica de la gat in jos, ce contrasteaza dragalas cu chipul meu de ingeras cu fetisoara rotunda.

Bine. Acum ca am clarificat acest fapt, sper ca nu este nevoie sa explic de ce sunt asa si la figurat ?!

So I won`t.

Chiar, ca tot am un proiect de facut despre ea... Dana Rogoz. Pentru mine.. etern Abramburica. Oricat ar creste, dansa la bara, oricat s-ar face blonda... ramana Dana "Ambramurica" Rogoz!

Nu as compatimi-o... altii nu se pot lauda cu asa mult.

joi, 10 noiembrie 2011



In ultimul timp internetul a devenit un refreshuit continuu de fmylife, notalwaysright, 9gag etc...
Incep sa tanjesc dupa anumite momente.

De exemplu, cand sunt intr-o masina, la drum lung. (sentiment pe care il traiesc mult mai rar de cand am carnet si tatal meu ma "incurajeaza" - a se citi "sunt soferul lui personal") E placerea aia de neinlocuit a calatoriei. Vreau sa nu ajung NICIODATA la destinatie. Ma simt asa de bine. Ma simt ca si cum nimic rau nu se va intampla niciodata. E o caldura care ma invaluie... sunt undeva intre somn si realitate, intre vis si frica de a nu-mi fura cineva lucrurile - cand sunt in autobuz.

Iubesc acele momente. As prefera sa nu se termine. Asemuiesc starea aceasta starii induse de droguri. Habar nu am daca asa este, dar da, simt ca devine un drog extrem de greu de procurat pe masura ce cresc.

Dependenta, in cazul meu, nu este o optiune.